Sunday, February 28, 2016

In training...

I'm in the process of making some major changes to my will now be entirely devoted to horses and horse racing topics, so a total revamp is in order...

Please be patient with me while I get the kinks worked out in order to get it up and running at full speed! 
American Pharoah
Any tips, comments, advice or constructive criticism during this "training" process are welcomed in the comment section.

Thank you!

ETA: Most posts will be about thoroughbred horse racing; past, present and future.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Time to dust off the boots,

Well, 2016 is here... Yes, I'm a little behind the times and it is a little late for a "New Years' Resolution," but I'm here making one anyway, lol. I am going to dust off this good 'ole blog and liven it up a bit, finally... I hope... ;)

Last year was difficult for me in many MANY fact I think American Pharoah was the only silver lining I was able to find in an otherwise hellish 2015 (and thankfully he gave me enough joy to get through)...but this year is going to be different. I'm facing a lot of changes in my life, all of which I won't go into now, but I do plan to start blogging and I have a feeling this blog will begin to take on a life of its own very soon.

So this serves as my "official" declaration to begin blogging more often, for real this time, about anything and everything. Yes, horse racing included. ;) Although I doubt we'll see another Triple Crown winner, there is always plenty of action and excitement to come courtesy of my favorite sport. :)

So with that very vague and brief update, I'm signing off...for now...but not for long...